Your Fundraising Dollars at Work: New Mimio Boxlights for RFES

Two children stand at a large interactive screen in a classroom, writing words that follow the "a_e" vowel-consonant-e pattern (e.g., "late," "mate," "plate"). Both kids use styluses, one writing on the left side and the other on the right. The classroom has educational supplies, including books, trays, and a cart labeled "Ms. Grap." A sign in the background reads, "You need to calm down, you're being too loud."

At RFES, we are always striving to create the best possible learning environment for our students. Thanks to the dedicated fundraising efforts of our PTA members, we’re thrilled to announce that your contributions have directly funded the purchase of Mimio Boxlights—innovative, interactive devices that will enhance learning throughout the school. This is a concrete example of how your support is making a tangible difference in our school community.

How Your Contributions Made This Possible

The PTA’s commitment to improving our school has never been stronger. Through successful events like the Foxy FUNd Run and your generous donations, we’ve raised the necessary funds to invest in these cutting-edge devices. This significant investment in technology allows us to enrich the educational experience for all students at RFES.

Our decision to invest in Mimio Boxlights was based on a compelling presentation by our principal, which highlighted the need for this technology. The presentation includes photos of students using similar devices and heartwarming handwritten notes from students expressing their desire for these interactive tools in their classrooms. You can view the full presentation here.

Who Benefits from This Technology?

Every member of the RFES community will benefit from this new technology:

  • All RFES teachers and paraeducators will have access to these powerful teaching tools.
  • Students across all grade levels will enjoy enhanced, interactive learning experiences.
  • Mimio Boxlights will be strategically placed in classrooms and common areas, ensuring widespread access.
  • One teacher from each pod will oversee the use of the device, maximizing its potential to benefit students.

How the Mimio Boxlights Will Be Used

Thanks to your support, our educators now have an exciting new way to engage students through interactive lessons. The Mimio Boxlights will be used to:

  • Facilitate dynamic, interactive lessons that capture students’ attention and imagination.
  • Support grade-level presentations that bring curriculum content to life.
  • Enhance group and whole-class work, allowing students to collaborate and think critically.
  • Provide tailored enrichment opportunities and interventions to meet the diverse needs of all students.

Ongoing Training to Maximize Impact

To ensure the Mimio Boxlights are used to their full potential, comprehensive training is being provided by:

  • Mrs. Thompson, our GT teacher
  • HCPS Technology Specialists

This training ensures that teachers can seamlessly incorporate the devices into their daily lessons, further maximizing the value of your fundraising efforts.

Thank You for Your Continued Support

The purchase of these Mimio Boxlights is a direct result of the hard work and generosity of our PTA community. Your contributions are making an immediate impact in our classrooms and will continue to shape the education of every student at RFES for years to come.

Whether you attended a fundraiser, volunteered your time, or made a donation, you helped make this happen.

Together, we are enhancing the learning experience and creating a brighter future for our children. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to making RFES a better place for our students to learn and grow.

Your support truly makes a difference—thank you for investing in our children’s education!

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